December 15, 2010

Tea Party Republican calls for mass censorship.

Be weary, my friends. Allen West will likely run for the republican party in Florida. This man is calling for all out censorship. After shouting at the communist leaders of China, these right wing loudmouths want to do the same to you!...coverage by the USAHM article>
  If you choose to let people like this rule your world, our internet will be as closed as in China. Do not stop posting about the truth, don't be frightened off, they cannot shut down half the internet, because corporations need it to make money. Mind you, they WILL try and keep the news from you. They WILL continue to run smear-campaigns to make you believe Julian Assange is a dangerous criminal. So keep on blogging about it, anywhere you feel like, facebook, twitter, etc. May the truth prevail. May freedom of speech be our guiding principle. 
- this newsstory I found on

those who are embarrassed by the truth deserve to be shamed.


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