December 14, 2010

Assange bail verdict challenged by Swedish gov.

Today Julian Assange caught the limelight again. He was in court for a hearing concerning his bail. Amidst protesters and flocked by the press, whitnessed by several celebrities who will put up the bail money, the judge granted bail. The swedish government, relentless in their wish to keep him in prison, alledgedly for something that is not even a crime in the UK, will appeal the decision. They must really hate this man, and want to punish him severely for not wearing a condom! ... Good coverage by the article>

like a documentary? watch this one about wikileaks.

Found on - A swedish tv-documentary on wikileaks, it's history, it's people and it's leader. It shows fantastic insight in the organisation, and amongst other things it shows the footage of a US helicopter, shooting down people in the street, including the 2 Reuters journalists....

Julian Assange background story, who is this man?

Reuters have been a high profile newssource since I can remember. They lost two people in Iraq, when a US helicopter gunned down random people around a van. The Washington based news agency has tried and failed to get the footage for two years under the freedom of information act. Wikileaks got it and published it....coverage by Reuters Press article>