December 31, 2010

Politics? News? I have made my own crisis solutions...

Here's a 3dZiggy production I did as handdrawing practice in photoshop. Take it if you like it, see it as a postcard, send it to your friends, have fun with it...I did when creating it...
I have to admit, new years brings up strange feelings for me as well...

December 29, 2010

Dutch agengy makes report for government..After a quiet christmas, the war continues,..

The Dutch agency Fabers published a report, commissioned by the Dutch government. My favourite dutch tech-site, wrote this: "Those who are trying to hide their IP address, have a reason for it that is possibly "related to child pornography", says a study commissioned by the government. The researchers recommend a radical approach to cybercrime."....

December 23, 2010

Julian Assange warning journalists,..YES, an american interview! by Cenk Uyger on MSNBC.

I could sit here for hours trying to explain to you why I think we need to speak up against US politicians trying to shut up the free press. In this interview on MSNBC by Cenk Uyger, Assange warns journalists all over the world, but especially in the United States. We are on the verge of falling victim to nation governments telling us what we can and can not say. .....

December 22, 2010

Free internet lost an important battle

From what I read in the newsroom of FreePress, an organisation that is trying to keep the internet free and democratic, an important battle is lost. Under pressure of the commercial interests of the big service-providers, mainly AT&T, the net-neutrality agreement is adjusted so it leaves a lot of power at the big corporations....

Found in New Zealand: wikileaks is an official word now, according to Reuters

Interesting to see that Reuters has apparently published this, but I find it in a New Zealand publication. Credits to the site "".   The word wikileaks has reached the status of other common words like google and twitter. It is an uplifting thought, that some things just are talked about so much, that they enter the language, even though the leaders would love to see them being shut down.......more..

December 21, 2010

World Press Freedom Day, in the US? This is what you call information war, or just hypocracy!

Through seeing an interview on CNN with the second Dutch guy, that was arrested for the ddos attacks on Mastercard , Visa, and others, I found a press release from the US dept. of state.
I quote:"The United States is pleased to announce that it will host UNESCO’s World Press Freedom Day event in 2011". Now if you want to know why some people want to kill Julian Assange,....more...

Rape? Now you can judge yourself by reading the police files.

I have been wondering what to believe about these allegations of rape, that Julian Assange is wanted for in Sweden. Real investigative journalism by The Guardian provided them with the illegally obtained (stolen?) nasty details of the allegations as they are found in police material.*edit - I later found out that the papers were leaked to them, and Assange claims that the way it was represented was wrong, and part of a smear campaign.-*
After Reading the article I would say, in plain english it boils down to the story of a man who is in the spotlight, interesting, intelligent, and with money in his pocket. To certain young women that can be a turn-on. From what I read it doesn't appear to be the sort of conspiracy that many people think it is. more...

December 17, 2010

Newsnight BBC 2010/12/16 - Interview with Julian Assange after he was released on bail.

This is a compelling interview with a man that has been kept in solitary confinement (on his own request) for 10 days. As we can see he is determined to tell his story, and outside in the snow, i would say emphasising the fact he is out of prison. What I found most interesting is the way the interviewer keeps asking him about the alledged rape-case, and he tries to explain, what this is really about...

December 16, 2010

Assange granted bail by appeal court.

Just a news flash: Assange has been granted bail. In this case the Guardian news blog is the best. Follow the news as it article>

A personal thought and warning on information war.

While I am researching, I'll share some of the thoughts that came to me.
First, we know what to expect namely an increase in news about the danger of the web.
Second we will see obscure organisations made responsible for attacks on our safety and that of our monetary system.
As I have seen many times before, leaders will use any means available to reach their goals, preferably by means that we won't perceive or detect...

December 15, 2010

Wikileaks'10 greatest stories. A reminder.

Just to remind you of the scandals that were revealed by wikileaks in the past, the british newspaper "the Telegraph" published 10 "high-profile"leaks in october this year.
You'll have to admit that you would want to know things like this. Or would you rather be kept in the dark? Stories like these may be embarrassing for our leaders, but do you really think they should be kept hidden?...coverage by The article>

Tea Party Republican calls for mass censorship.

Be weary, my friends. Allen West will likely run for the republican party in Florida. This man is calling for all out censorship. After shouting at the communist leaders of China, these right wing loudmouths want to do the same to you!...coverage by the USAHM article>

December 14, 2010

Assange bail verdict challenged by Swedish gov.

Today Julian Assange caught the limelight again. He was in court for a hearing concerning his bail. Amidst protesters and flocked by the press, whitnessed by several celebrities who will put up the bail money, the judge granted bail. The swedish government, relentless in their wish to keep him in prison, alledgedly for something that is not even a crime in the UK, will appeal the decision. They must really hate this man, and want to punish him severely for not wearing a condom! ... Good coverage by the article>

like a documentary? watch this one about wikileaks.

Found on - A swedish tv-documentary on wikileaks, it's history, it's people and it's leader. It shows fantastic insight in the organisation, and amongst other things it shows the footage of a US helicopter, shooting down people in the street, including the 2 Reuters journalists....

Julian Assange background story, who is this man?

Reuters have been a high profile newssource since I can remember. They lost two people in Iraq, when a US helicopter gunned down random people around a van. The Washington based news agency has tried and failed to get the footage for two years under the freedom of information act. Wikileaks got it and published it....coverage by Reuters Press article>

December 13, 2010

terrorists? coincidence???

Checking what kind of news the people in the US get shown, it struck me that wikileaks is not so much in the news. I took a look at the New York Times, and instead of cyberWW1, I see that a familiar war has returned to the frontpage,.. the war on terror. Following the logic of what I have seen proven before,.. I do not believe in coincidence, so I ask you,.. is this coincidence???...

December 12, 2010

Cyber World War 1 has started

Here's a good article form the british newspaper "the Guardian". It will help to understand why it's being called cyberwar. It gives a good insight of how this thing is developing....

December 10, 2010

the guy that (allegedly) really spilled the beans: Bradley Manning

Here's some info on the soldier that has been thrown in the hole for leaking it all. (that does not necessarily mean he is guilty, it just means they have found a culprit.) Mind you, he's a 23yr old kid with too much pressure on his mind. Pressure put there by the people that should never have created the scandals in the first place....

interesting links for people who want to check

first of all, when you want to look at wikileaks, and find out that is down, just type or copy the ip-address directly into your browser and hit enter:

very funny: the chinese view of the situation:

just in case you want to see: the US constitution:
first amendment is what this is about.

Just because reuters is a respected news-site, and also have battled for years to get the video that showed two of their journalists being shut down from a helicopter, (video available on wikileaks) I check the site, and find that things may really be changing, and even more disturbing in a good sense, Bill gates is heading the operation:

and just because I value the old BBC as a serious source, here's the news:

more to come... next time