While I am researching, I'll share some of the thoughts that came to me.
First, we know what to expect namely an increase in news about the danger of the web.
Second we will see obscure organisations made responsible for attacks on our safety and that of our monetary system.
First, we know what to expect namely an increase in news about the danger of the web.
Second we will see obscure organisations made responsible for attacks on our safety and that of our monetary system.
As I have seen many times before, leaders will use any means available to reach their goals, preferably by means that we won't perceive or detect...
For decades leaders have used the newsmedia as well as any other media to change our opinions and influence our behaviour, wether it is to make us buy their products, help out the economy or to change our political views to gain the seat of power. Since the revealing of certain warcrimes and secret dealings of our leaders, those leaders have not reacted as they should. Had they been forthright, they would have investigated the crimes and conspiracies that were revealed, and reprimanded or punished the people responsible. Instead they are mustering all their force, be it legal or illegal, to silence the messenger that told us the truth. This to me means they themselves may be responsible and want to continue what they are doing, but don't want us to know.
For decades leaders have used the newsmedia as well as any other media to change our opinions and influence our behaviour, wether it is to make us buy their products, help out the economy or to change our political views to gain the seat of power. Since the revealing of certain warcrimes and secret dealings of our leaders, those leaders have not reacted as they should. Had they been forthright, they would have investigated the crimes and conspiracies that were revealed, and reprimanded or punished the people responsible. Instead they are mustering all their force, be it legal or illegal, to silence the messenger that told us the truth. This to me means they themselves may be responsible and want to continue what they are doing, but don't want us to know.
In this view one can expect a growing flood of news with stories that make us believe the internet is very unsafe, and it needs more government control to protect us. And yes, indeed I do perceive an increase in shocking stories that have a connection with the dangers of the internet. More shocking to me though is the feeling that information that leads to the arrest of monsters who used the internet for their vile purposes, has been kept in store till it was usefull to distract the public eye. This implicates that aforementioned monsters have been allowed to keep on committing their crimes till their arrest was convenient to help the cause. Because this awareness is merely based on historical evidence and , I need to research deeper, before I start coming up with names and facts. So more about that later.
Something else that came to my mind, is the danger that lies in the works of the hacking syndicates or groups, Anonymous being the best example. They are known to be behind ddos attacks that brought down several websites of corporations that have somehow damaged Julian Assange or Wikileaks. The work of these groups may well have been fuelled by any secret organisation, with ties to any government. We just can't tell. The result of these actions will only damage the reputation of Wikileaks in the eye of the public, and is destructive in it's nature.
Therefore I strongly advise any hacker with a heart for freedom of expression, openness and truth, to stop immediately with any such actions. When they want to prove they are smart, they should assemble their collective brainpower to find out if government forces are behind part of the attacks and reveal their true identity.
Therefore I strongly advise any hacker with a heart for freedom of expression, openness and truth, to stop immediately with any such actions. When they want to prove they are smart, they should assemble their collective brainpower to find out if government forces are behind part of the attacks and reveal their true identity.
As I may have said before, the difference between this war and any other in the past, is that this time the frontlines aren't between neighbours, countries, armed ethnic groups, religions or continents. This time the war is between the governments and the people. We should be wise, in our decisions. We should keep our hatred to ourselves. We should not be lured into rage or anger by what we see on the surface. We should think about what freedom really is. Again I refer to the american constitution, that so beautifully starts with: "we the people..." It is about our freedom, not the freedom reserved to our leaders.
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