To start with the first one, an article by Charles Leadbeater, author and social entrepreneur. I will quote two passages from the part about the web. It starts off with: "The open web created by idealist geeks, hippies and academics, who believed in the free and generative flow of knowledge, is being overrun by a web that is safer, more controlled and commercial, created by problem-solving pragmatists." The next excerpt is one about Wikileaks: "Julian Assange and the movement that has been ignited by WikiLeaks is the most radical version of the alternative: a free, egalitarian, open and public web. The fate of this movement will be a sign of things to come." You should read the full article, it will make you think...
The second one is a great resource for people that want to know what they can find in the wikileaks embassy cables. What keeps amazing me is that it only shows what a lot of us already knew. It shows how politics is being conducted, and should be a warning to all of us. Nothing endangering peoples lives as far as I have seen in there, but just things that show us how the political agendas are played out. It shows us how we all are being fooled by our governments. Not only the US, but really across the globe. Through this interactive map of the world you can browse to your hearts content, or rather discontent.

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